Talks at the Green Fair 2023
This was the 2023 programme and gives you a flavour of what goes on at the South Downs Green Fair.
Soil and Gut health - hidden links
Intimate nature
Intimacy is the radiant glue in relationships that creates deep levels of bonding. Without bonding, they can become a habit rather than a joy. Bonding frees us from unwanted feelings of isolation, from fear and powerlessness. Psychology of Vision Trainer and Artist, Tiffany Robinson, discusses how intimacy can helps us experience more of the joy of life; to be a kinder partner to ourselves, to each other and to nature.
problems and solutions of the modern world - 12:00
Home retrofit
art of recycling
introducing energise south downs 14:00
How to travel without flying
Morality in the anthropocene
all talks are held in the woodland hall